Hackathon (IKEA)

Hackathon proposal to the IKEA management committee.

A hackathon is an event during which groups of volunteer employees get together for a given period of time to work on projects aimed at boosting the company's sales and customer relations.

I presented the idea of organizing a hackathon at the IKEA store in Strasbourg to the management committee, and was pleasantly surprised by their positive reaction. They understood the benefits of such an event, including the possibility of bringing together the ideas and talents of the whole team, developing new innovative solutions and strengthening cohesion within the company.

Unfortunately, the unstable situation of the store's management made the event impossible to realize. Indeed, the departure of the current manager was followed by the search for and departure of two other successive managers, and the third was unable to stay on for more than six months.

Although I was disappointed not to be able to organize the hackathon as planned, I remain convinced of its many benefits for the company and hope to be able to organize one in the future, when the situation is more stable. I'm convinced that this event can bring new innovative ideas and strengthen the cohesion within the team.

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Passionate about technology and innovation, Akli is determined to create smart, creative solutions to business challenges.

Passionné de technologie et d’innovation, Akli est déterminé à créer des solutions créatives et efficaces pour répondre aux défis des entreprises. Passionné de technologie et d’innovation, Akli est déterminé à créer des solutions créatives et efficaces pour répondre aux défis des entreprises Passionné de technologie et d’innovation, Akli est déterminé à créer des solutions créatives et efficaces pour répondre aux défis des entreprises.

Passionate about technology and innovation, Akli is determined to create smart, creative solutions to business challenges.

Passionate about technology and innovation, Akli is determined to create smart, creative solutions to business challenges.


